4th April, 2006 --- Motor Warp JAPAN


The seventh anniversary, the administrator's doctorate and the Motor Warp's evolution

I thank you for your patronage of the Motor Warp.
On April 4th in 2006, the Motor Warp marked its seventh anniversary. And, I got the change of scene in private affair.
Shinya KOIZUMI, administrator of the Motor Warp received my doctorate (Software and Information Science) at the Iwate Prefectural University on March 23rd in 2006. And, I was in a visiting lecturer in the university on April 1st in 2006. From now, I will engage in studies and the community business project which the university promotes.
Based on my situation, the Motor Warp changes for evolution.
The Motor Warp changes the administrator's individual project. Then, brand-new project "ignite" proceeds newly with the activity (e.g. music CDs creating, computer-related and so on) which went so far by the name of the "Motor Warp". Here, the Motor Warp belongs the "ignite".
In the "ignite", I try to develop a software for quick update and search to Motor Warp. On each occasion, I will report at this website about other activities powered by "ignite".

I appreciate your continued to use the Motor Warp.

Shinya KOIZUMI (Administrator of the Motor Warp / Manager of project "ignite")